Thursday, May 20, 2010

Assignment Two

After much chopping and changing, I am going with a proposal to colleagues to integrate social studies and ICT/computers into a unit of work for year 7.

The decision to design a the proposal is something I intend to undertake in my own classroom next year. I believe it can be adapted according to the year level. My proposal has been designed to address the issues, and highlight the need for better computer use in the classrooms and to teach social studies more effectively. A really interesting reading by Zandvliet (2006) focused on the fact that the computer is generally not being used to its full potential to enable student learning. He maintains that the use of computers in the classroom tends to be limited to small groups of teachers who are excited by the potential they they feel technology has to motivate their students. I feel like I am one of those teachers that are excited about the possibilities, but also somewhat concerned that I won't be able to effectively manage it. Throughout my research I did come across several books that offer fairly basic concepts and manageable opportunities.

Integrating Technology Into Teaching by Arthur Recesso and Chandra Orrill is one of them. The book has so much to offer and can link the computer to all aspects of teaching - including software programmes for physical education. There is so much software out there - I guess it is all about knowing where to find it.

It is also about using the tools that are currently available, and using them correctly and meaningfully. For instance YouTube - a powerful tool for learning. Teachers would obviously have to ensure that all the correct procedures were followed (including cybersafety, etc). As part of my proposal I suggested focusing about an influential person - from various eras. As a child I still remember learning about people like Florence Nightingale. A woman who made a huge difference to the world and to the health system we know today.

There is a video on YouTube about Florence Nightingale and it would be a great example to show students how to integrate across the curriculum. Although very informative, it is difficult to read the words, some of the images are jumpy, Using the one video teachers and students could explore so many areas including presentation, audience, and so on. Students would learn in an enjoyable and engaging manner, which would also promote Inquiry learning - which many schools seem to be focusing on now.
I attached the URL if anyone is interested in having a look.

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