Thursday, April 1, 2010

ICT at Uni and in the Classroom

"Teachers become confident and capable users of ICT, use ICT to support their professional growth and administration, and integrate ICT flexibly and effectively within the curriculum to enhance learners’ knowledge, skills and attitudes."

All learners will use ICT confidently and creatively to help develop the skills and knowledge they need to achieve personal goals and to be full participants in the global community."

The above two 'quotes' were taken off the Digital Horizons - the Ministry of Education's Learning through ICT.  In the 2007 Curriculum it outlines similar intentions under E-learning and pedagogy.

The interesting thing is that I have just completed my BEd and other than using Moodle and constructing a Wiki for one of our courses, I learned nothing about ICT or integrating it into the classroom.  I often wonder how I am going to be able to fulfill these obligations.  There are also so many teachers that have had little or no exposure to computers in their career to date, who have not attended any professional development, or very little.  On my practicums, over the three years, I chatted to teachers about IT as it has always been an interest of mine.  Most of the teachers I encountered were not successful users of computers.  Many fellow students had no idea how to use the computer effectively in the classroom.   I wonder how the Ministry of Education intends to realise the goals and visions?

It is also frustrating that as students we were never exposed to learning how to operate things like interactive whiteboards, or even overhead projectors.  As a reliever there are few occasions where I have been expected to use any ICT in the classroom so I have to actively find out or will just have to wait until I have my own classroom.    I have the advantage of spending many years in the secretarial sector, and then in the last decade, doing digital photography.  My general IT skills are average to excellent and can pretty much do/make anything in Photoshop, including resources, by using my camera or scanner, and OpenOffice text.   I feel fortunate that my options are not limited as is the case for some people.  

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